"Rock to the Beat...
Jockey Club of Kenya, Nairobi 8pm onwards
Music is an out burt of the soul, Frederick Delius
Join us at the jockey club to once again fill the night with music, dancing and fun! Lets show them how we party ;o) "
Once again, off in our dressies to another epic tent at the horse track this time. We arrived to a dark red glow and giant golden flowers. The contrast between Rahul and Neha's sangeet decor was spot on! Tonight had a more masculine yet still romantic feel. With deep shades of red and black, there was a more kingly feel as we entered into wonderland again to see what was in store for this night.
The entrance to the party where the grooms side greeted the bride side as we all entered in a procession.
Akash, Neha and Kush (her brother's) walked the bride in into the event followed by all the brides side in a giant procession.
Neha's cousins carrying gifts in the procession.
The procession continues.
Inside the red tent.
The stage with a nice giant banner of Rahul playing the sax and Neha singing. ;)
At the table, even the menus were personalized and monogramed. Notice this time its R&N rather than N&R at Neha's events... Got to let them know who's boss at these things.
The belly dancing performances were phenominal!
So was the American (Indian) Idol contestant along side the foreigners :)
My Roedean ladies all in Indian wear.
Shisha lovin.... puff puff
Heading home...
FYI: On this night I wore a Sari and spent 2 hours watching youtube videos on how to tie it... Thankfully one of Neha's aunts staying at Heri Heights helped me get it right at the last minute. Although to be fare, I don't think I did too shabby of a job for a first try!